

At the root of every man, more or less dominant but always present, we see a constant: the awareness of his own fragility. The man himself is fragility: by birth, by constitution; He begins to die the same day he starts to overlook this world. Borned very fragile and so dies, sometimes suddenly, without even realizing it. Dust from the beginning to the end of his days. An animal provided with reason, yes, but it is by no means self-sufficient.

A individual who is constantly in need of: relation, integration, to
tell their story, to give, to love, to be loved, to be looked after properly, especially when the weight of years, the disease heavy burden on the body. On the mind, primarily. He would like to almost stick to the time in an attempt to capture it, but may not: the time is also fragile itself.

Annalisa Chen
Fashion Designer Roma, Italy