BTTV Print Ad
Snappity Snap Ads - Posters / Ads for new disposible camera
Snappity Snap Ads - Posters / Ads for new disposible camera
Koti Show Poster
Le Grand Confont image board
BTTV Vip Full Access Viewing card
Executive Summary Cover - Cover for a eLearning Media company's executive summary. Created using screen shots, video stills and company colours.
Buildings Unlimited Logo - Logo created for a new construction company that builds pre-fab commercial buildings
SugarCube Cosmetics Photos and layouts - Marketing materials for a new cosmetics line. My role was art direction and set-up for photo shoot, photo editing, illustration, layout, typesetting and print production.
SugarCube Cosmetics Photos and layouts - Marketing materials for a new cosmetics line. My role was art direction and set-up for photo shoot, photo editing, illustration, layout, typesetting and print production.
Concept for DVD bumper - Created as part of a set of new bumpers for a DVD series focused on the trucking industry.
Graphic Design