Our team's display at the James Madison Univeristy X-Labs summit in 2018. The front drone was donated to us by Fred Briggs for our display as an example of a vertical takeoff and lift fixed wing drone.
Painting the "looks like" model. Unfortunately, there were painting mishaps at a time sensitive section of the project. It was salvaged as best it could be. Overall it served as a learning experience.
Modeling the "looks like" prototype in Rhino3D.
3D printed engines for the "looks like" model. The cutting board gives a sense of scale as each box is an inch.
Computer Numerated Cut (CNC) pieces for the "looks like" model.
A model that was used to help illustrate the drone sweep concept to our client. The elk and drone were made with a laser cutter.
Myself piloting a 3DR Solo outfitted with a FLIR (Forward looking infrared camera) to test the team's concept. It was our "works like" test to confirm whether or not a drone would be able to accurately identify an elk in a fly over.
A picture from the FLIR infrared camera's footage. We tested from various heights and angles. Several members of our team went out into the woods and huddled together to be about the size of an elk. We were able to identify them. We also identified several ducks in the local park.
Sketches of different drone concepts from earlier in the course.
Team Treeline

A project while at James Madison University, Treeline was a potential solution for helping the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries to track the population of elk in Buchanan.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Andrew Fitzgerald
Designer Raphine, VA