Pestle and Mortar - Illustrator drawing of my pestle and mortar, (with mixed peppercorns).
Pestle and Mortar - More Illustrator practice. If anyone happens to have an old Illustrator CS3 (for mac) beginner to intermediate instructional book they no longer need I can provide a good home for it.
Bear v's Robot Illustration - This is a work in progress, I quickly colored it in to find the errors in linework and to make decisions about colour scheme. Background was done simply by overlapping the largest brush on PS with about 30% opacity and then applying gaussian blur.. .
Illustrator practice
Illustrator practice - I no longer have access to Solidworks so thought I would try and emulate it using Illustrator. This was drawn from observation and isn't a tracing.
Vector Drawing of Lego Gears
Lego Gear Vase - Vector drawing of a vase made from different sized Lego gears.
Illustrator story board work
Andrew Beaumont
designer (self service) Plymouth, United Kingdom