Gli uri, 2015, cm 40 x 60, oil and Palaeolithic sediment, ochre and charcoal on canvas
Ominidi con spirale, 2015, cm 60 x 60, Palaeolithic sediment, ochre and charcoal on canvas
Freccia paleolitica, 2015, cm 50 x 50, Palaeolithic sediment, ochre and charcoal on canvas
Ominide astratto, 2015, cm 40 x 60, oil and Palaeolithic sediment, ochre and charcoal on canvas
Graffiti paleolitici, 2014, cm 100 x 150, Palaeolithic sediment, ochre and charcoal on canvas
Grotta dei Cervi, 2015, cm 50 x 50, Palaeolithic sediment, ochre, charcoal and oxides on canvas
Ominide paleolitico II, 2015, cm 40 x 30, Palaeolithic sediment, ochre and charcoal on canvas
Tribute to Fumane, 2014, cm 40 x 40, Palaeolithic sediment, ochre and charcoal on canvas
Ominide di Porto Badisco I, 2016, cm 50 x 50, Palaeolithic sediment, ochre, charcoal and oxides on canvas
Ominide paleolitico I, 2015, cm 50 x 70, Palaeolithic sediment, ochre and charcoal on canvas
Ominidi paleolitici II, 2014, cm 50 x 70, Palaeolithic sediment, ochre and charcoal on canvas
Ominidi e animali I, 2013, cm 80 x 60, Palaeolithic sediment, ochre and charcoal on canvas
Animale paleolitico, 2015, cm 40 x 70, Palaeolithic sediment, ochre and charcoal on canvas
Ominidi paleolitici III, 2019, cm 50 x 70, ossidi, Palaeolithic sediment, ochre and charcoal on canvas
Ominidi I, 2013, cm 40 x 60, palaeolithic sediment, ochre and charcoal on canvas
Ominidi paleolitici I, 2015, cm 100 x 150, Palaeolithic sediment, ochre and charcoal on canvas
Spirale con ominidi, 2017, cm 60 x 70, sedimenti e ocra e carbone del paleolitico e ossidi su tela
Spirali, 2015, cm 70 x 50, sedimenti e ocra e carbone del paleolitico su tela

The cycle of works by Andrea Benetti, which uses archaeological material dating back to the Paleolithic, was born from a collaboration of the Maestro with the University of Ferrara and with the Department of Arts of the University of Bologna, for the creation of the exhibition, presented in first national in 2015, at the Chamber of Deputies. For the project, the Department of Humanities of the University of Ferrara, in particular "prehistoric archeology", supplied prehistoric material to Benetti (ocher, coal, earth and sediments from washing the finds) dating back to the level of the Paleolithic excavations. The material was used by Benetti to create the works on a travertine base on canvas, which emulates the rock of the cave.

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Andrea Benetti
The painting of the future was born in caves Bologna, Italy