Bab El Oued is the flag of the city of Algiers ( Algeria) , is the amphi theater history, he was one of the major nuclei that goes into the development of the city of Algiers , which has undergone several transformations.
After performing this urban reading was deduced that
BAB EL WADI a site residential character whose habitat is the dominant feature but for its natural potential and its historical value , it can be highlighted with :
-Dédensification of the Site .
- Realization of the sea - town relationship
-Redéfinition Of the main boulevards walls ( animation) . -Revalorisation Built heritage through a renovation process

Bab El Oued is the flag of the city of Algiers ( Algeria) , is the amphi theater history, he was one of the major nuclei that goes into the development of the city of Algiers , which has undergone several transformations.
After performing this urban reading was deduced that
BAB EL WADI a site residential character whose habitat is the dominant feature but for its natural potential and its historical value , it can be highlighted with :
-Dédensification of the Site .
- Realization of the sea - town relationship
-Redéfinition Of the main boulevards walls ( animation) . -Revalorisation Built heritage through a renovation process