Drafted and constructed bodice for Medea's dress
Drafted, constructed, and draped the double layer pleated skirt Drafted and constructed the brocade corset
Helped model the masked used with paper mache and body double silicone.

Medea. University of Memphis. 2013.
Director: Brian Fruits
Lighting Designer: Kitty Devany
Costume & Mask Designer: Meghan Miller
First Hand: Amanda Heady

I drafted and constructed Medea's main dress and corset. The skirt was a two layer pleated dress that was three times the waist size of the actors to give it the fullness desired. As first hand, I headed up the fitting for the actor each time she came in. The bodice top and the brocade skirt was draped to get the look desired.
I also helped model the masked used with paper mache and body double silicone.
I was also on wardrobe for this show, so I was tasked with making sure all the costumes were hung properly after every show. In order to help the other wardrobe personal, I created a costume checklist with all of the items that each character had. This checklist was used to make sure all of the items were accounted for each night. I was also responsible for laundry of the outfits that needed to be washed after each show.

Amanda Heady
Costume Stitcher/Designer/Cosplayer Bethpage, TN