Mapping material and energetic fluxes of the house system in central european region, before the systemic design is applied. Mapeamento dos fluxos energéticos e materiais do sistema de casa em região da Europa Central, antes da aplicação do Design Sistèmico. Mappatura dei flussi materiali ed energetici del sistema casalingo nella regione centrale dell'est Europa, prima dell'applicazione del design sistemico.
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How the fluxes move after System Design is applied. Como mudam os fluxos quando vai aplicar o Design Sistèmico. Come cambiano i flussi una volta che viene applicato il Design Sistemico.
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Eco Design Products / Process Studies

System Design Approach
user and context drive sustainable design.

An holistic view of the design process, based on the subject of the action and strongly focused to reconvert the outputs of the system into inputs for another (or not) system, in a functionally way.

It allows tightening of new relations, increasing possibilities for a new and more sustainable development.

Is Blue Economy, Biomimicry and System Thinking based.

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Alice Tedesco ...
Eco Designer / Service.System.Product / Milano, Italy