bike ad - childhood - this is a initiative ads for suzuki motorcycle the idea is when you ride suzuki shogun motorcycle, you'll get a new feeling in riding motorcycles
bike ad - future - this is a initiative ads for suzuki motorcycle the idea is when you ride a suzuki shogun motorcycle, you'll get a new feeling in riding motorcycles
beckham ad - quote figure - this is test i had to create an ad for david beckham without using a david beckham image/picture, so i decided to create a copy based ad in shape of his famous football action figure using david beckham's great quotation "One Thing Will Never Change, We Will Going Out To Win" and his jersey number(when he was in Real Madrid) shaping as the ball as a visual... hope you all got the visual concept.. Please do give your critics and comments...
volvo ad - great impact - This is also a test ad i created for volvo, the task is to create an ad without any single copy for volvo. So i created a visual of colvo car againts a bunch of football players. The idea is to create a secure feeling of great impact,'re driving a volvo. Please do give your critics and comments...
volvo ad - full body contact - This is also a test i had for creating volvo ads, but the opposite from before, using copy based only ads without a visual. The idea is volvo is save, we're just making sure of it. Please do give your critics and comments...
chili beer - nelly
chilli beer - paris
Test Ads
Adiemuhammad Theone
Art is in direction Jakarta, Indonesia