Pillar Bottle

Cleaning products and pharmaceuticals are common in the home, and contain potentially harmful materials that can cause serious injuries, or death, if ingested in large quantities. While child resistant packaging was introduced in the 1960’s, current designs do not go far enough to protect children; and elderly users struggle to open the packages.

Current caps primarily use a physical barrier to deter children, however there is a significant overlap between the hand strength of children and elderly users. Pillar Bottle takes a cognitive approach to this problem, working like a dial safe the user enters a simplified code by turning the cap. A half turn clockwise, a half turn anticlockwise, a quarter turn clockwise and the cap can be lifted free with minimal force. While easily entered, this code creates a high number of permutations and a child has over a 1:1,800,000 chance of entering it correctly. The bottle can then be resealed by pressing the cap back over the bottle.

Adam Thomas
Glasgow, United Kingdom