Senior Show Promo Poster for Double Windsor - for our senior year at IPFW we are required to display an exhibition to graduate and receive our diploma. This was my teaser/promo poster for the show.
Double Windsor Promotional Card - This was the first of my promo cards that were exhibited at the 2011 IPFW Senior Exhibition
Half Windsor Promotional Card - This was the second of my promo cards that were exhibited at the 2011 IPFW Senior Exhibition
Four in Hand Promotional Card - This was the third of my promo cards that were exhibited at the 2011 IPFW Senior Exhibition
Shell Knot Promotional Cards - This was the fourth and last of my promo cards that were exhibited at the 2011 IPFW Senior Exhibition
Original Packaging - These were my first mock-ups of the packaging I would use for my senior show. I later adjusted the design and added a wrap
IPFW Senior Exhibition
Aaron Greene
Graphic Designer Bristol, IN