JC Whitney Best of Best Catalog Cover - This catalog was populated with only the best selling products. I designed the cover, the inside page design template, as well as the page style sheet.
More—JC Whitney Best of Best Catalog covers. I designed and created in Photoshop and indesign
JC Whitney VW Catalog Cover. I designed and retouched this cover using Photoshop and indesign
JCW Volkswagen Catalog Covers - These are more JC Whitney VW catalog covers I have created/designed.
JC Whitney Everything Automotive Catalog - JC Whitney Everything Automotive Catalog. I photographed this vehicle, designed and produced this cover in Photoshop and Quark.
JCW Everything Automotive Catalogs - Additional JC Whitney Everything Automotive Catalog Covers I have designed using Photoshop and Quark. I photographed the 57' Chevy that was used on the cover.
JC Whitney Jeep Catalog Cover - April 2011 Jeep Catalog I designed and created the cover in Photoshop and indesign as well as created new page templates and style sheets to produce a more cohesive piece.
JC Whitney Jeep Catalog Covers - Additional JC Whitney Jeep Catalog Covers I have designed using Photoshop and indesign.
JC Whitney Truck Catalog Cover. I designed using Photoshop and Quark.
JC Whitney Truck Covers I designed with Photoshop and Quark
JC Whitney Motorcycle Cover. I designed and styled using Photoshop and indesign.
JCW Motorcycle Catalog Covers - Additional JCW Motorcycle Catalog Covers I Have Designed. I photographed the photos used on the bottom two covers.
Print: Catalog Covers

These are JC Whitney Catalog Covers I have Concepted, Designed, Created, Color Corrected and or Enhanced.

Alison Nick
Senior Advertising Designer / Photographer Chicago, IL