This is a collection of JC Whitney catalog body pages I have designed along with the copy style sheets and page header and footer designs.
JC Whitney Truck—Inside Cover Spread - This project involved a photo shoot I directed, as well as creating the concept, designing the front cover and inside cover spread as well as multiple body pages. I also did any needed retouching and image enhancement for this project.
JC Whitney Truck Catalog interior catalog Pages.
I designed and created the outside cover, the header and footer design as well as the copy style sheet for the catalog. Created in Quark and Photoshop.
JC Whitney Jeep Catalog - Interior Pages of the Jeep catalog.
I designed, created and updated the look and feel of the interior page template and style sheet as well as created/designed the front cover.
Created in Photoshop and Quark. Converted to Indesgn.
JC Whitney Motorcycle Catalog Body Pages.
Designed multiple Interior pages of the JC Whitney Motorcycle Catalog as well as the front cover. Designed with Photoshop and Quark.
JC Whitney "Best of Best" Catalog body psges.
This catalog was created with the best selling products to generate better productivity from one-time-web-only customers. I designed the cover as well as the page and copy style sheets.
JC Whitney VW Catalog Body Pages
I created and designed the front cover of this catalog as well as the design for inside header and footer and copy style sheets. Created with Photoshop and Indesign.
JC Whitney "All-Product" Catalog Body Pages.
I photographed and designed the front cover of this catalog, as well as designing multiple Inside body pages. Created in Quark and Photoshop
JC Whitney—Color All-Product Catalog Body Pages.
This catalog was created as a test to see if an all-color catalog would sell more products. The all-product catalog body is currently created in black and white. I designed and created the front cover as well as the copy style sheet and page layout template. Created with Quark and Photoshop.
Print: Catalog Body Pages
This is a collection of JC Whitney catalog body pages I have designed along with the copy style sheets and page header and footer designs.