Balanced color by removing blue cast, outlined and added new color background
Retouched blemishes, skin smoothing, color & exposure enhancement
JCW General Catalog Cover. I enhanced the color of the vehicle in the original image, outlined and cloned out any background or blemishes from the image and added the wheel and bumper reflection to create the final image used for the cover.
JC Whitney General cover To make this cover look like a single image, I outlined the car from the original image below, also added tire spin, smoke to tire, added the race track background and blurred a bit to add depth, removed the hot spot from the door and enhanced the overall color and contrast of the final image.
JC Whitney General Cover. To make these two images appear as one, I combined the car show and yellow hot rod images. I had to outlined the vehicle, removed the background from the windows so the car show background could show through. I also enhanced the sky and added any need contrast, saturation or sharpening to create the final image.
I assembled several different images to create this cover. I inserted the dog into the truck, placed the guy behind the truck, inserted the sky and ground images, added any need color enhancements and shadows.
JC Whitney Motorcycle Cover This cover was created from the photo I took of a motorcycle rider and a stock photo of a road. I outlined, color enhanced, the rider then placed rider on the road. I also color enhance, blurred the road to give the illusion that these two images where one shot.
JC whitney Motorcycle Cover I lightened, enhanced the color, changed the feel of the image from the original posted.
Photo Manipulation & Enhancement

These are some examples of catalog covers i have created, by color enhancing, building layers so the final image appears to be a single shot and also examples of retouching and color balancing.

All done in Photoshop.

Alison Nick
Senior Advertising Designer / Photographer Chicago, IL