Hickory Grove Hunting Club Brand Identity: letter, envelope, business card.
JC Whitney Corporate Identity designed to reinforce company brand Created in Illustrator.
I designed the JCW Corporate Logo along with the 95th anniversary logo. Built in Illustrator.
JC Whitney Media Kit: I created the concept, design, text Formating, photo retouching and enhancements, created graphics. Created in Photoshop and Quark
JC Whitney Blow-in Cards. I created the concept, template, design, text formatting, any need photo manipulation. Created in Photoshop and Quark.
JC Whitney Order Form: designed and formatted in Quark
Branding: Corporate Identity / Media Kits / Blow-in Cards / Order Forms

corporate logos and identity, order forms, blow-in cards and media kits.

Alison Nick
Senior Advertising Designer / Photographer Chicago, IL