Refined ideation sketches 1 - Once I had had explored a number of concepts in thumbnail form, I moved on to sketching them in a larger fashion. These are still exploratory sketches that were developed to further refine my ideas. This phase was accompanied by meetings with Marketing and Engineering.
Refined ideation sketches 2 - Here some of my more refined exploratory sketches have been rendered in various colors using Sketchbook Pro.
Refined ideation sketches 3 - Here some of my more refined exploratory sketches have been rendered in various colors using Sketchbook Pro. I am beginning to get closer to solidifying a direction both engineering and marketing are agreeing with.
On the shelf! - Here is the final product on the shelf. Much to my surprise as I was not a PACTIV when this project was wrapped up! The sketches you saw were developed by me in 2006 and I took these pictures a week or so after the final product was introduced to the south eastern market in 2009. The images were taken at a Wal-Mart in Georgia.
On the table! - Here is an image of the final product. A much larger surface area is textured so as to increase the gripping area and reduce the slipping that can often occur once condensation has built up on the outside of the cup. Its stature is wide and squatty. In doing so the foot print has increased which increased stability and the wider look of this rendition imbibes the feeling that a greater amount of liquid can be held within its bounds.
Hefty Easy Grip Party Cup
Freelance, Full-time
Jonathan Smith
Senior Industrial Designer Nashville, TN