Diego Shoening - House of Blues Presents Diego Shoening

Green Alley - Back Stage

Guitarist - Ivan G. Castro performing in Hard Rock Cafe

Last Call - Empty bar ready to close down for the night

Diego Shoening - House of Blues

Pianist - Dany Thomas performing in Hard Rock Cafe

Guitarist 2 - Ivan G. Castro performing in Hard Rock Cafe

Photography combined with Digital Imaging

Alejandra Guzman

Alejandra Guzman

Alejandra Guzman

Alejandra Guzman

Alejandra Guzman

BMB Screen saver 1 - Photography for inspirational piece to use as Screen saver.

BMB Screen saver 2 - Photography for inspirational piece to use as Screen saver.

Lili Ortega - Portrait, Headshot

Maribel Robles CD Photo Session

Maribel Robles CD Photo Session

Maribel Robles CD Photo Session

Maribel Robles CD Photo Session