future chess - This chess set was designed with a futuristic concept based on Zaha Hadid's architectural work. I used Maya software and quadratic spot lights to render this image.
staunton chess - This standard chess set was modeled without shaders or textures. The chess board's low tessellation creates self reflected shadows and the illusion of shading. The self reflected shadows create depth to the natural lambert material of the chessboard. I used Maya software and quadratic spot lights to render this image.
fruits - My work is done primarily in Maya and Photoshop. I pay close attention to lighting before creating my models in a 3D scene.
selected pieced - My work is done primarily in Maya and Photoshop. I pay close attention to lighting before creating models in a 3D scene. This scene was rendered with the default Maya Software engine.
temple front - This temple was rendered with HDRI lighting. The render engine used is mental ray.
temple side - This temple was rendered with HDRI lighting. The render engine used is mental ray.
temple close - This temple was rendered with HDRI lighting. The render engine used is mental ray.
Tyquane Wright
3d Modeling and Digital Imaging New York, NY