Working Protytpe Pic - Many guitarists experience the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome due to excessive strain on the fretting wrist. With a rotating fret board this guitar addresses the problem without sacrificing functionality or superior performance.
Working Protytpe Pic - Many guitarists experience the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome due to excessive strain on the fretting wrist. With a rotating fret board this guitar addresses the problem without sacrificing functionality or superior performance.
Solidworks Model
Solidworks Model
Solidworks Model
Solidworks Model
Concept Sketches - Conveying concept of rotating fretboard
Concept Sketches - Conveying volume detail
Concept Sketches - Early exploration of body shape
Concept Sketches - Exploring sitting vs. standing functionality
Concept Renderings - Early concept of what would become the final mechanism design.
Concept Renderings - Early concept for a rotating mechanism design.
Concept Renderings
Concept Renderings
Orthographic Drawings - Final design- ready for prototype fabrication
Mechanism Section View - Mechanism inserts and locks into place like a key. This way it can be disassembled easily.
Original Study Model - The purpose of the original study model was to understand how the downward turn motion of the neck would feel on the fretting wrist.
Progressive Study Models - Because of the importance of the tactile relationship between instrument and user I created many variations of study models before arriving at a final form.
Working Prototype Pic - Many guitarists experience the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome due to excessive strain on the fretting wrist. With a rotating fret board this guitar addresses the problem without sacrificing functionality or superior performance.
Working Prototype Pic - Many guitarists experience the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome due to excessive strain on the fretting wrist. With a rotating fret board this guitar addresses the problem without sacrificing functionality or superior performance.
Ergonomic Guitar