idea generation

Nikon Coolpix 775 + extra skin - To design a premuim product that cost less than 5% of the retail price of the host product. The result is an additional outer casing that gives protection to the screen, stores you memory card, and can come in a range of styles which gives the user a certain degree of individuality.

Detector - Detects fluid in Tank

Make Up kit - This project was carried out in my spare time. When I get an idea in my head, I go straight to the drawing board. I have a lot more like this one.
The development of a make up kit for the young professional woman.

Hubble......... - The following project was carried out in conjunction with the university and a company who manufacture garden products, mainly using the material, timber.
The following product is a pergola that can be shaped around the garden environment. It is perfect for those long summer parties or for stargazing with your loved one. It lets the user interact with the garden, and thus using the environment to its full potential.

The Sky Guide - This project was developed for my BA Degree in Industrial design. The main purpose of the sky guide is to assist the enthusiastic kite user in the control of a kite. It works by using a simple gear system for reeling in and out a line on a kite. aslo available with the product is a sky aid and sky cam.

idea generation
