
S-cargo is a carrier that can connect to any standard bicycles instead of the front wheel, and make it a multiple purpose tricycles for carrying a child, bag, boxes...

S-cargo can easily connect/ disconnect from the bicycle and become a trolley or a stroller, depends on configuration, and its very easy to get back to the ordinary bicycles.

S-Cargo project won first place in "Sikun Vebinui" green innovation design competition.
most graded graduation project in industrial department at Bezalel academy.
top ten academic projects for 2012 by SolidWorks Israel.
"DR.Polonsky design award for excellence 2012" .

It is part of the "Israel Design museum" collection of excel academic projects.

fill free to contact me for more info and video.
I now continue developing the project.
patent pending.

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Ofir Yadan
Industrial Designer Tel Aviv, Israel