Birmingham PSA#2 - Navy blues edition, 27.5X16.5

R1-XV719 Atomic Edition Woodprints (in dark)

R1-XV719 Atomic Edition Woodprints

A watched Phone (front)

A Watched Phone (back)

R1-XV719 - First in a series of photocollage robot images that I plan to screen onto pieces of wood that have had magnets glued in so as to make modular "art toys".

Medusa #1

Birmingham PSA #1 - For those not familiar with Birmingham AL's current mayor and his ways google him (I think there is even a wiki on him). For better or for worse the citizens here have done just what it says, and so has Mayor Langford for that matter.

Beasts of Birmingham


Medusa 2

Birmingham PSA #2 - I designed this poster in response to the general apathy and decline of conditions here in the Magic City, here's hoping people realize what they are capable of and begin to turn things around.
