Dual Direction Sports Car - It's a high-performance REAR-mid-engined sports car... it's a high-performance FRONT-mid-engined sports car. It's two, two, cars in one! Take one classic teardrop sports car of the 1930's and blend it with a dart-like mid-engined exotic of recent times, and you get a car that looks surprisingly like BOTH! Step inside and be surprised by the dual-control positions, one facing in either direction! (In Roman mythology Janus (JAY-nus) was the god with two faces, looking in opposite directions.)
RQ-170 over Kandahar composite - Model and rendering by Mark Miller. Fair Use of background photo of Afghanistan's Kandahar province from Wikimedia.
Personal Sub - inspired by shape of Nautilus Cephalopod
Personal Sub - please see portfolio at http://www.geocities.com/ideation4/
Bus - simplified yet contemporary
GA aircraft paint scheme - Bering Strait School District
Taxi - advanced features, shape reflects classic cars/taxis
World Trade Center proposal - a small odd selection - please see website link
RQ-170 Spy Drone - for Wikipedia
RQ-170 Spy Drone - for Wikipedia

Mark's odd selection of items from his portfolio. Please see link.

Mark Miller
Designing the World! Portland, ME