Willow - Different by Design: The Willow is an Electric powered two passenger Zero emission runabout. It features a simple independent rear suspension with dual electric motors and hub-less front wheel with integrated front and rear localy sourced willow baskets. It's made of laminated wood and metal using only a minimal amount of recycled plastic for the wheels. It features a smart phone app to manage your charging voltage and navigation during driving.
Willow - Different by Design: The Willow is an Electric powered two passenger Zero emission runabout. It features a simple independent rear suspension with dual electric motors and hub-less front wheel with integrated front and rear localy sourced willow baskets. It's made of laminated wood and metal using only a minimal amount of recycled plastic for the wheels. It features a smart phone app to manage your charging voltage and navigation during driving.
Willow - Different by Design: The Willow is an Electric powered two passenger Zero emission runabout. It features a simple independent rear suspension with dual electric motors and hub-less front wheel with integrated front and rear localy sourced willow baskets. It's made of laminated wood and metal using only a minimal amount of recycled plastic for the wheels. It features a smart phone app to manage your charging voltage and navigation during driving.
Willow - Different by Design: The Willow is an Electric powered two passenger Zero emission runabout. It features a simple independent rear suspension with dual electric motors and hub-less front wheel with integrated front and rear localy sourced willow baskets. It's made of laminated wood and metal using only a minimal amount of recycled plastic for the wheels. It features a smart phone app to manage your charging voltage and navigation during driving.
ALBUS TELL-Airship - ALBUS Tell is the Main support ship for the TELL team on the 2085 Terra Prix. It's over a quarter mile long (550m), with four hemispherical EMP (electro-magnetic Pulse) thrust turbines, It has a crew of 15 and can stay aloft indefinitely with its built in Solar skin. The Solar skin uses an organic polymer nano tube technology to boost the photovoltaic’s efficiency and allow it to be woven right in to the fibrous skin of the ship.
ACE Lift Ferry ALF - ACE Lift Ferry “ALF”: Is a bioengineered biomechanical flight support vehicle. Heavy use of Bio-engineered materials. It has 4 swivel organic pulse turbine engines that allow for vertical take off, hovering and landing. It is highly maneuverable and extremely agile. It features twin cockpits and can be operated with one pilot and an engineer in the second Caboose. It uses organic mech-meld arms to grip the container IPRF container.
Gigernaut:HAR1 - Second board in the Terra prix 2085 contest. Gigernaut:HAR1 is a biomechanical animal, part heavy mechanics, part organic mech-meld developed in a lab, bread for racing toughness. The crew often refer to her as “Tonya”. She features a hydrogen fuel cell to power the 6 EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) hub-less wheels. The front and rear wheels pivot and allow the vehicle to turn on itself. The wheels are metal organic and can change density to adapt to various terrains.
Terra Prix 2085 - Tell Motorsport: An all Swiss entry into the Terra Prix. It is the brain child of Rudy Saxo. It is the combination of the two greatest vehicle manufactures in Switzerland, Sbarro & Sauber. Sbarro the legendary super-car builder and pioneer of the hub-less wheel. Sauber is the world famous F1 race team that has captured numerous F1 titles. They have teamed up and created Bio-Mechanical race team to conquer the world. http://www.local-motors.com/entry.php?c=11043
Gigernaut:HAR1 - Gigernaut:HAR1 is a bio-mechanical animal, part heavy mechanics, part organic mech-meld developed in a lab, bread for racing toughness. She features a hydrogen fuel cell to power the 6 EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) hub-less wheels. The front and rear wheels pivot and allow the vehicle to turn on itself. The wheels are metal organic and can change density to adapt to various terrains. See here in Amazon hot weather all terrain jungle testing.
submission to Local Motors! for the Experimental Crowd-Derived Combat-Support Vehicle! - The design is loosely inspired by my favorite and one of the fastest planes in WWII, the F4u Corsair! and influenced by some of the great sports cars of the 70's and 80's. http://www.local-motors.com/entry.php?e=3311 register and vote for me.
submission to Local Motors! for the Experimental Crowd-Derived Combat-Support Vehicle! - The design is loosely inspired by my favorite and one of the fastest planes in WWII, the F4u Corsair! and influenced by some of the great sports cars of the 70's and 80's.
Jack Jumper fighter recon ship - Two pilot configuration, vertical lift-off
Eruption Scout Ship - Symbiotic Mech-Meld Ship. Crew:7 Mid range scout: Scientific
Red Cycle - Retro Bio Mechanical Motorcycle
Ace Electric sedan 1 hour sketch - Four passenger electric vehicle. 1 hour sktech competition on core 77
Truck body - CGI of production stamped steel truck body
Ford sedan - Pencil and marker sketch
Cadillac - Marker rendering
Wire vehicle final design - Wire frame vehicle made from coper brass and steel
This Mustang concept vehicle uses external aerodynamic vortex generators to increase laminar flow in the boundary layer and reduce drag.
Exersit electric concept vehicle. The front of the vehicle is an inverted wing and the underside uses a massive diffuser to reduce drag and increase down force to promote raod adhesion.
Exersit electric concept vehicle. The front of the vehicle is an inverted wing and the underside uses a massive diffuser to reduce drag and increase down force to promote road adhesion. The inverted wing hinges up to allow access to the cockpit.

Hello, I am a product designer located in Detroit USA and I have been designing products for 25+ years ranging from sunglasses for Bauch & Lomb, entry level luxury vehicles for Ford, to the wireless charging PowerMat for Homedics.

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Eric Strebel
Industrial & Product Designer @ Botzen Design Southfield, MI