Example of a vacation photo taken with a regular point and shoot. Original photo by C. Riesberg
Example of a vacation photo taken with a regular point and shoot. Original photo by C. Riesberg
Photo by Katie Anderson - before on the left, after on right.
Photo by Katie Anderson - left is before photo, right is after.
Photo by Katie Anderson - before is the left image, right is after.
Photo by Rhonda Brunson - The left is the original picture on the right is the final product.
Photo by Rhonda Brunson - The left is the original picture on the right is the final product.
Photo by Rhonda Brunson - The left is the original picture on the right is the final product.
Photo by Rhonda Brunson - The left is the original picture on the right is the final product.
Father and Daughter - These are photos that I have retouched of my family.
Wedding party - These are photos that I have retouched of my family.
1970s photo - These are photos that I have retouched of my family.
Photo by Rhonda Brunson - The left is the original picture on the right is the final product.
Photo taken in CA - To see the changes to this photo hover in the lower left corner and click the magnifying glass. Wait just a bit and it will switch to the enhanced image.
Photo Enhancements

Sometimes I get the opportunity to take photos and bring out the details or bring them back to their original look. This a small sampling of some of the editing I have done to restore and retouch images.

I also edit photos from clients, mostly vacation photos they want to have that extra pop.

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Freelance, Moonlighting
Katie Anderson
Photographer Omaha, NE