Pub Trivia: Checkbook Flier - This is the checkbook flier I designed for Bar Louie Dearborn Station's Pub Trivia Wednesdays. This is an example of the checkbook sized flier. I put this in as an example of how I am able to alter my ideas to fit needed material.
Generic Live Band Saturdays for Bar Louie: DS - Bar Louie Dearborn Station wanted to let their customers and local citizens know that Bar Louie was going to start to have a live band perform every Saturday night. They asked me to make a poster, checkbook flier, and little flier, that would spark interest, and curiosity for this new happening. I wanted the image to be hard to make out at first, and intriguing. I also wanted the image to be something that most people have not seen. The colors are classic James Wenzel Design colors.
Speak Her Language at Bar Louie: DS - Bar Louie Dearborn Station has live bands play every Saturday Night. This Saturday they had a band called Speak Her Language. I wanted to keep the poster clean by separating the band and venue. I came up with the treatment for the bands name and the little symbol. I also made the two other sizes.
Widespread Panic Weekend at Bar Louie: DS - For this poster the client wanted something that would appeal to the Widespread Panic fans, and have a map from the venue of the concert to Bar Louie. I also wanted to keep the poster simple with the color scheme in case they decided to print it out in grayscale. I designed this poster with a heavy want to keep all the information on the left hand side off of the poster. I instead wanted only the right side plus Bar Louie Dearborn Station, but you have to do what the client wants!
Party Room Logo - Most Bar Louie's have a party room in the back. Bar Louie Randolph and Dearborn Station both wanted a logo to go on the doors and anywhere else that seemed fitting in the party rooms. They wanted a logo that kept the Bar Louie feel, and allowed the party room to take on it's own feel.
Bar Louie Freelance
James Wenzel
James Wenzel Graphic Design Chicago, IL