Cruiser Recumbent - Recumbent bicycle with classic cruiser aesthetic. Built-in rear basket, mirrors integrated into brake levers on handlebars, one-piece seat frame, head and taillights
Cruiser Recumbent - Recumbent bicycle with classic cruiser aesthetic. Built-in rear basket, mirrors integrated into brake levers on handlebars, one-piece seat frame, head and taillights
Concept for Cruiser-styled Recumbent - The idea is simple: take the cruiser aesthetic and apply the recumbent design.
Tilting Delta Tricycle - A crazy concept for a delta-configuration tricycle with the capability to tilt. It does so through the pivoting action of the rear forks, linked to the steering column with cables (not shown currently). There is a differential to ensure traction and control, and it drives the outer drive gears. In this setup, those gears are larger than the differential, creating a much higher gear ratio from the crankset to the wheel hubs.
Tilting Delta Tricycle - A Crazy concept for a delta-configuration tricycle with the capability to tilt. It does so through the pivoting action of the rear forks, linked to the steering column with cables (not shown currently). There is a differential to ensure traction and control, and it drives the outer drive gears. In this setup, those gears are larger than the differential, creating a much higher gear ratio from the crankset to the wheel hubs.
Bicycle Designs