Snoopy Sleep Shirt line art - Drawings I did for Determined Productions for product using Snoopy, Woodstock and the whole gang

Snoopy Illustration - Drawings I did for Determined Productions for product using Snoopy, Woodstock and the whole gang

Snoopy Sleep Shirt line art - Drawings I did for Determined Productions for product using Snoopy, Woodstock and the whole gang

Snoopy All-Nighter - I just re-colored this Sleepshirt design.
We did lots of designs for Louis Fremel Sleepwear in the 90's...but we colored them with marker!...i love this one, and had to do a bit more to it.

Snoopy Illustration - Drawings I did for Determined Productions. This is a Sleepshirt design...we did 3 or 4 cool designs...this was my favorite...colored in marker!...please see my re-colored version.

Snoopy Sleep Shirt line art - Toys for Wendy's Kids' Meal

Wendy's Toys (Snoopy) - Toys for Wendy's Kids' Meal

Wendy's Kids' Meal Toys (Snoopy) - Toys for Wendy's Kids' Meal

Wendy's Kids' Meal Toys (Snoopy) - Toys for Wendy's Kids' Meal

Wendy's Kids' Meal Toys (Snoopy) - Toys for Wendy's Kids' Meal