Poster IV - Vector drawing
Poster V - Vector drawing
Poster VI - Vector drawing
Poster VII - Vector drawing
Poster VIII - Vector drawing
Poster IX - Vector drawing
Poster X - Vector drawing
Poster XI - Vector drawing
Poster XII - Vector drawing
Poster XIII - Vector drawing
Poster XIV - Vector drawing
Poster XV - Vector drawing
Road Safety Campaign

The aim of this project is to develop an awareness campaign for a social cause: preventing road accidents.
The current prevention campaigns and road safety use brutal images and their goal is clear: to shock people. It is therefore a shock therapy to motorists. Here, the brutality is less present, and the humor and irony of the message are privileged.
The strategy refers to the tragic events (accident, blood and death), but has a strong educational component. The posters produced have different intentions and point to several problems: driving with excessive speed, driving under influence of alcohol, the disregard for pedestrians, aggressive driving, among others. They seek to promote compliance with the highway code and protect life. The slogan chosen summarizes all these issues and highlights the most important: "Stick to the Code. Protect life. "

Hugo Maciel
illustrator Viana do castelo, Portugal