University works - These are my university of assignments and participate in the competition of ornamental work, thanks!
University works - These are my university of assignments and participate in the competition of ornamental work, thanks!
University works - These are my university of assignments and participate in the competition of ornamental work, thanks!
University works - These are my university of assignments and participate in the competition of ornamental work, thanks!
Water power player - Design Description: Make use of the water kinetic energy generate electricity of principle,will produce the electric power the special chemistry battery of inside,drive the normal operation of the player.It is constitute by the two parts,a blast-off machine base and a player,This player can afloat in the aquatic work,not need the dry battery,pass the principle that the auto absorb water,as long as periodically infuse into some common waters,put in the swimming pool and can certainly make fun double in amount up a few such players.
product design