Aquatic Inspiration
Optical Keyboard Keyset in Jet Black - Fits the curve of the hand. Little to no digital stress while in use. Designed in SolidWorks, rendered in Hypershot.
Ideation Sketches
Doug Engelbart demonstrating the original chorded keyset at SRI. - Photography by Evan Schaffer
A peek inside.
Conference with Doug Engelbart at SRI, Menlo Park.
Keyset Design Hits the Blogosphere. "This Five-Button Saucer Could Replace Your Entire Keyboard" - It all started with a two thumbs up featured critique by Kyle VanHemert on and then exploded to over 100 diggs, over 30+ tech pundits' blogs and feeds, buzz on Twitter, receiving rave reviews. From Gizmo Whiz and Tech News Daily to Ubervu, Sony Slim, Tom Glocer, Gadget Blips, and Bitsnipe.
Optical Keyboard Keyset
Erik Campbell
Industrial Designer San Francisco, CA