Good N eVil
Graff City
Nekkid Metal
Piece of Paradise
Dont Mistake..
Joker 87
Humming Bird - designed for tattoo
Point it Out! - Old sketch
Vegeta! - Old dragon ball z fan art
Pyro - Just scribbling in pen
Str8 up LoCo - A doodle i did in high school. Ive always liked this one alot for some reason.
War Gamez
Wet Paint - Lines
3 amigos - A quick charicature sketch of some crazy people I know
Bruce Lee - WAAH!!! YAH!!!! I drew the bad Bruce Lee for a friend of mines dad.
Smokin Roses
Hearts and Daggers
Gangsta Tweety
Masked Evil
Sweet Dreams - Just something for the wall.
Tools of a Joker - Notebook Fun
Pencil and Ink
Victor Ramon
Laid back Florida boy.. Pensacola, FL