CONCEPT ART – Concept movie poster for "Jurassic World" based in a jungle setting during the daytime to evoke the island environment similar to that found in the original Jurassic Park film. I created this poster within Adobe Photoshop and used the original "flat" Jurassic Park (1993) movie poster as a template to create a poster with three dimensional photorealistic properties.
CONCEPT ART – Concept movie poster for "Jurassic World" based in an above-water setting during the nighttime to evoke an environment suited for prehistoric sea creatures. I created this poster within Adobe Photoshop and used the original "flat" Jurassic Park (1993) movie poster as a template to create a poster with three dimensional photorealistic properties.
WEB DESIGN – I was elated when the Jurassic World movie news blog contacted me to say they had seen my concept movie poster online and wanted me to contribute to their website relaunch.
Layout and background art were created within Adobe Photoshop using my concept movie poster as a creative template for It was then sent to web engineers for back end development and implementation.
Jurassic World | Concept Poster & News Blog Web Design
Concept movie themed posters / Web design layout for movie news blog.