A more serious attempt at a cruiser than the unconvincing Enfield Thunderbird. This is where the versatility of the v-twin comes into its own.
The military-liveried Enfield Cannon 1000, with yet more thermal wrap. A Browning machine gun would be on the options list.
Royal Enfield Cannon

This self-initiated project speculates on the possible results of the Polaris-Eicher tie-up, and the merging of technologies between Victory/Indian and Royal Enfield. One result could be a new series of Enfield Vee-twins, reminiscent of the Carberry-Enfields (and perhaps even the Vincent). This would expand Enfield's range, and fill the gap between the small commuters and the increasing number of high-end imported models in the domestic market. Demand from export markets would also be strong.

Glynn Kerr
Independent Motorcycle Designer (retired) Roseville, CA