Hot Rod Art and Design - various designs and art of Hot Rods
Hot Rod Art book for Ipod and Ipad - With over 100 pags of killer hot rod art you will be inspired. It includes 13 different hot rod artist with different styles and techniques .It contains over an hour-and-a- half of tutorials by Dwayne Vance on drawing hot rods and cars. Plus a few extras. You can download the app from Itunes at Or just search Itunes for "Hot Rod"
Hot Rod T Shirts - http:// Just past that link in your browser and you can get yourself some new sweet digs.
Robot Run - A Hot Rod running from a robot. Great combination
52 Chevy - This was done for Jonathan Ward over at ICON. He was building this for a client of his. So he hired me to do the rendering for him
Cheetah Run - This is a new piece of art that will be featured in my new book. Masters of Chicken Scratch Vol 2.
Hot Rod Art and Design

This is a collection of Hot Rod Designs I have done over the years. You can see more at

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Dwayne Vance
Freelance Designer Corona, CA