Island in a Box - As an Illustration for a vacation package I was asked to create a Tropic Island escape and have it in a treasure/presentation box.
To solve a technical problem, the customer needed an aesthetically pleasing cover on a wing shaped design, that would not destroy the look. I created this scoop that was both an even shape, and matched the 3d shape of the wing it would be applied to. Easy in other programs this is very technically tricky in Autocad. I delivered this as .stl files for 3D Printing.
Express Logo - Illustrating both quick service and a peppy product this was a 2d logo I designed for a string of gas stations
The Source of Tradition - The Mystical Place of Origins, The Fountainhead of Tradition. This was done as an illustration for a New Age Celtic Music CD
New Adventure Awaits - The arrival in an unknown new land signals the leaving of an old known exciting adventure to a new and fearful unknown, and a complete change of life from water to land, and yet a harrowing time getting from one to another. Very much like changing stages in everyone's life.
Support Beam Assembly - Part of assembly instructions for a tricky beam support at a control joint. Needed to support great weight, but still move.
CNC Carved Sign - This is the rendering of a sign that was carved in wood by CNC. Providing the actual code used by the machine to carve the sign was the basic job assignment.
quiet waters - This was one image from a challenge project to have a shark swimming under the water from a photograph.. Keeping the shark in the plane of the water, under the water and behind the foreground plants was an interesting challenge.
Flat Sided Canoe - Designed a Canoe that could be assembled from flat sheet stock, in this case Aluminum, but could be any flat stock material
Velomobile - Electric Tadpole - A tadpole trike I am working on
Compactor side
Compactor front
Compactor section
Background - Background design for political ad overlay
Portfolio of past work

These are examples from several years of past work

Robert Danforth
Deep Designer Temple Terrace, FL