Holiday 2023 Final Window and Design Sketch
Holiday 2023 Window Templates and Install Progress
Holiday 2023 Window Cherries Production
Holiday 2023 Window Display Design

The Holiday23 Window design began with a sketch combining the season’s reference materials, window dimensions, and timeline with the season’s impact of whimsy and fun in mind.
Design development continued by determining the scale and number of cherries followed by the selection of surface treatments. The surface treatments required careful consideration of the store budget, size of cherries, balance of red and pink color palette, and prep time for each treatment.
The overall composition stems from accommodating the very short window height.
Wrapping the striped art wall treatment to the floor elongates the otherwise squat window and further evokes a gift box of treats.
Design development continued with tests of full scale cardboard templates.
Install included a plywood floor covering then EMT flange connectors and conduit screwed in and followed by steel rods corresponding to the height of each cherry stack. Cherries were installed by skewering them on to the steel rods.

Catherine Maier
Designer Buffalo, NY