Preliminary concept drawing - Styling and design were conducted per state of the art R&D process.

Exploded view and packages - Space frame: Energya will feature a recyclable aluminium space frame with inboard front suspension using superposed unequal A- arm. The dampers slightly protrude through to front cowling, both as a design statement and for cooling reasons.
Ergonomic door and bodywork: in this type of vehicle, the principal innovation is half-doors that provides ease of access to the cockpit while offering side impact protection.

Gazoline motorcycle engine and electric motor versions - Propulsion: Although this vehicle was primarily envisaged has an electric transportation conveyance, present transitional circumstances, that for example, but not exclusively, dictate a package suitable for accommodating the other two alternative modes of propulsion which are: the hybrid electric and gasoline powered motorcycle engine having a six speed sequential manual transmission. The focus remains however fixed on the ideal environmentally friendly electric battery-powered vehicle.

Design and engineering: Technology Art and passion! - Seating being similar to a sports car where the driver and passenger are seated side-by-side, the Energya TM motomobile has a rear engine that drives the single wheel at the back. The vehicle feels, drives and behaves mostly like an open wheel racecar. The vehicle features a distinctive, cutting edge aggressive design that reflects its level of performance.

Danny Higgins and Martin Aube - Visionary team: the two partners cumulate over 35 years of experience in industrial design, six Sigma and in intellectual property. Of these 35 years of experience, 22 years where acquired in all the divisions of an established Canadian global manufacturer of transportation equipment, and most relevantly at its recreational products division designing and engineering snowmobiles, jet boats, ATVs, three wheeled vehicles and much more.